
Dna Nz Pty Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
Company Number
Company Status
Industry classification code
Rental Of Residential Property
Industry classification description
Current address
Level 12
20 Customhouse Quay
Wellington 6011
New Zealand
Physical & registered & service address used since 28 Sep 2018

Dna Nz Pty Limited was incorporated on 05 Mar 2013 and issued a New Zealand Business Number of 9429030324558. The registered LTD company has been run by 1 director, named Cindy Zita Ann Sketcher - an active director whose contract began on 05 Mar 2013.
As stated in our data (last updated on 26 Jun 2024), the company uses 1 address: Level 12, 20 Customhouse Quay, Wellington, 6011 (types include: physical, registered).
Until 28 Sep 2018, Dna Nz Pty Limited had been using Level 16, 10 Brandon Street, Wellington as their physical address.
A total of 10 shares are allotted to 1 group (1 sole shareholder). When considering the first group, 10 shares are held by 1 entity, namely:
Sketcher, Brian William (an individual) located at Ormeau Hills, Gold Coast postcode 4208. Dna Nz Pty Limited has been categorised as "Rental of residential property" (business classification L671160).


Previous addresses

Address: Level 16, 10 Brandon Street, Wellington, 6011 New Zealand

Physical & registered address used from 02 Sep 2015 to 28 Sep 2018

Address: Level 7, 235 Wakefield Street, Wellington, 6011 New Zealand

Registered & physical address used from 05 Mar 2013 to 02 Sep 2015

Financial Data

Basic Financial info

Total number of Shares: 10

Annual return filing month: August

Financial report filing month: March

Annual return last filed: 24 Aug 2023

Country of origin: NZ

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Shares Allocation Number of Shares: 10
Individual Sketcher, Brian William Ormeau Hills
Gold Coast

Cindy Zita Ann Sketcher - Director

Appointment date: 05 Mar 2013

ASIC Name: Lynbel Pty Ltd

Address: Springwood, Queensland, 4127 Australia

Address: Springwood, Queensland, 4127 Australia

Address: Ormeau Hills, Gold Coast, Queensland, 4208 Australia

Address used since 05 Mar 2013

Address: Ormeau Hills, Queensland, 4208 Australia

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