
Hr Sorted Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
Company Number
Company Status
GST Number
Industry classification code
Computer Consultancy Service
Industry classification description
Current address
Level 16
10 Brandon Street
Wellington 6011
New Zealand
Registered & physical & service address used since 02 Mar 2015
Level 16
10 Brandon Street
Wellington 6011
New Zealand
Postal & office & delivery address used since 03 Mar 2021

Hr Sorted Limited was started on 04 Apr 2012 and issued a New Zealand Business Number of 9429030723559. This registered LTD company has been run by 2 directors: James Groombridge - an active director whose contract started on 04 Apr 2012,
Leigh Thurston - an active director whose contract started on 04 Apr 2012.
According to our data (updated on 30 Aug 2024), this company filed 1 address: Level 16, 10 Brandon Street, Wellington, 6011 (types include: postal, office).
Up until 02 Mar 2015, Hr Sorted Limited had been using Level 7, 234 Wakefield Street, Wellington as their physical address.
A total of 100 shares are issued to 3 groups (5 shareholders in total). When considering the first group, 1 share is held by 1 entity, namely:
Groombridge, James (a director) located at Seatoun, Wellington postcode 6022.
The 2nd group consists of 3 shareholders, holds 98 per cent shares (exactly 98 shares) and includes
Groombridge, James - located at Seatoun, Wellington,
Thurston, Leigh - located at Seatoun, Wellington,
Barnaby, Sarah - located at Seatoun, Wellington.
The 3rd share allocation (1 share, 1%) belongs to 1 entity, namely:
Thurston, Leigh, located at Seatoun, Wellington (a director). Hr Sorted Limited has been categorised as "Computer consultancy service" (ANZSIC M700010).


Principal place of activity

Level 16, 10 Brandon Street, Wellington, 6011 New Zealand

Previous address

Address #1: Level 7, 234 Wakefield Street, Wellington, 6011 New Zealand

Physical & registered address used from 04 Apr 2012 to 02 Mar 2015

Contact info
64 27 5090993
05 Mar 2019 Phone
05 Mar 2019 Email
No website
Financial Data

Basic Financial info

Total number of Shares: 100

Annual return filing month: March

Annual return last filed: 03 Mar 2024

Country of origin: NZ

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Shares Allocation #1 Number of Shares: 1
Director Groombridge, James Seatoun
New Zealand
Shares Allocation #2 Number of Shares: 98
Director Groombridge, James Seatoun
New Zealand
Director Thurston, Leigh Seatoun
New Zealand
Individual Barnaby, Sarah Seatoun
New Zealand
Shares Allocation #3 Number of Shares: 1
Director Thurston, Leigh Seatoun
New Zealand

James Groombridge - Director

Appointment date: 04 Apr 2012

Address: Seatoun, Wellington, 6022 New Zealand

Address used since 04 Apr 2012

Leigh Thurston - Director

Appointment date: 04 Apr 2012

Address: Seatoun, Wellington, 6022 New Zealand

Address used since 04 Apr 2012

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