
Mahuika Candle Company Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
Company Number
Company Status
Industry classification code
Candle Mfg
Industry classification description
Current address
23 Ennerdale Row
Christchurch 8025
New Zealand
Registered & physical & service address used since 27 Jun 2017

Mahuika Candle Company Limited, a removed company, was launched on 27 Jun 2017. 9429046210487 is the NZBN it was issued. "Candle mfg" (business classification C185110) is how the company is classified. The company has been supervised by 1 director, named Geoffrey Robert Brown - an active director whose contract began on 27 Jun 2017.
Last updated on 10 Sep 2023, our data contains detailed information about 1 address: 23 Ennerdale Row, Westmorland, Christchurch, 8025 (category: registered, physical).
A single entity controls all company shares (exactly 1000 shares) - Brown, Geoffrey Robert - located at 8025, Richmond Hill, Christchurch.

Financial Data

Basic Financial info

Total number of Shares: 1000

Annual return filing month: May

Annual return last filed: 11 May 2022

Country of origin: NZ

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Shares Allocation Number of Shares: 1000
Director Brown, Geoffrey Robert Richmond Hill
New Zealand

Geoffrey Robert Brown - Director

Appointment date: 27 Jun 2017

Address: Richmond Hill, Christchurch, 8081 New Zealand

Address used since 27 Jun 2017

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