
Mangawhai Artists Incorporated

Type: Incorporated Society (I)
Company Number
Company Status
Current address
58 Old Waipu Road
Mangawhai 0505
Mangawhai 0505
New Zealand
Registered address used since 30 Aug 2019

Mangawhai Artists Incorporated, a registered company, was started on 23 Apr 2012. 9429043237838 is the number it was issued.
Last updated on 24 Mar 2024, BizDb's database contains detailed information about 3 addresses the company registered, specifically: Po Box 193, Mangawhai 0540 (postal address),
69 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai Village, Kaipara (postal address),
69 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai Village, Kaipara (registered address),
58 Old Waipu Road, Mangawhai 0505, Mangawhai, 0505 (registered address) among others.

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