
Dare Tairawhiti Incorporated

Type: Incorporated Society (I)
Company Number
Company Status
Current address
8 Gladstone Road
Gisborne 4010
New Zealand
Registered address used since 30 Oct 2013

Dare Tairawhiti Incorporated, a removed company, was launched on 23 Aug 2004. 9429043121526 is the number it was issued.
Updated on 01 Jun 2021, BizDb's database contains detailed information about 3 addresses this company uses, namely: P O Box 728, Gisborne 4040 (postal address),
C/O Gisborne Police Station, 8 Gladstone Road, Gisborne 4010 (registered address),
8 Gladstone Road, Gisborne, 4010 (registered address).
More names for this company, as we managed to find at BizDb, included: from 23 Aug 2004 to 16 May 2005 they were named D.a.r.e. Tairawhiti Incorporated.

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