
Nga Maia Trust

Type: Charitable Trust (T)
Company Number
Company Status
Current address
208 Southhampton Street West Hastings 4122
Hastings 4122
New Zealand
Registered address used since 29 Mar 2016

Nga Maia Trust, a registered company, was registered on 18 Feb 2000. 9429042963400 is the number it was issued.
Updated on 22 Mar 2024, BizDb's database contains detailed information about 3 addresses the company registered, specifically: Po Box 901, Hastings 4156 (postal address),
208 Southhampton Street West, Hastings 4122 (registered address),
208 Southhampton Street West Hastings 4122, Hastings, 4122 (registered address).
Former names for the company, as we identified at BizDb, included: from 18 Feb 2000 to 19 May 2016 they were named Nga Maia O Aotearoa Me Te Waipounamu Charitable Trust.

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