
Waahi Whaanui Trust

Type: Charitable Trust (T)
Company Number
Company Status
Current address
Te Whare Awhina 17 Parry Street Huntly 3700
Huntly 3700
New Zealand
Registered address used since 05 Sep 2013

Waahi Whaanui Trust, a registered company, was started on 04 Dec 1987. 9429042902379 is the NZ business number it was issued.
Updated on 14 Feb 2023, our data contains detailed information about 3 addresses the company registered, specifically: Po Box 227, Huntly 3740 (postal address),
Te Whare Awhina, 17 Parry Street, Huntly 3700 (registered address),
Te Whare Awhina 17 Parry Street Huntly 3700, Huntly, 3700 (registered address).