
Opua Hall Society Incorporated

Type: Incorporated Society (I)
Company Number
Company Status
Current address
Beechey St
North 0200
New Zealand
Registered address used since 15 Mar 2011

Opua Hall Society Incorporated, a registered company, was incorporated on 30 Nov 1923. 9429042791973 is the number it was issued.
Updated on 14 Jun 2020, the BizDb data contains detailed information about 3 addresses the company registered, specifically: Po Box 28, Opua 0241 (postal address),
D H Halliday, 6 Lyon St, Opua, Bay Of Islands (postal address),
Beechey St, Opua, North, 0200 (registered address).
Former names used by the company, as we identified at BizDb, included: from 30 Nov 1923 to 03 Dec 1990 they were called Opua Residents Association Incorporated.