
Canterbury Anglers Club Incorporated

Type: Incorporated Society (I)
Company Number
Company Status
Current address
52 Pentecost Road
Rangiora 7400
Rangiora 7400
New Zealand
Registered address used since 25 Feb 2018

Canterbury Anglers Club Incorporated, a registered company, was started on 03 Aug 1951. 9429042599807 is the NZBN it was issued. The company has been run by 1 director, named Barry Thomas Swaney - an active officer whose contract began on 26 Jul 2020.
Updated on 18 Mar 2024, the BizDb database contains detailed information about 4 addresses this company uses, namely: Po Box 16778, Hornby, Christchurch 8441 (postal address),
Po Box 1602, Christchurch Mail Centre, Christchurch 8140 (postal address),
25 Derenzy Place, Avonhead, Christchurch 8042 (registered address),
52 Pentecost Road, Rangiora 7400, Rangiora, 7400 (registered address) among others.


Other active addresses


Barry Thomas Swaney - officer

Appointment date: 26 Jul 2020

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