
Bylink Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
Company Number
Company Status
Industry classification code
Clothing Retailing
Industry classification description
Current address
56 Tuwharetoa Street
Taupo 3330
New Zealand
Registered & physical & service address used since 13 May 2015

Bylink Limited was incorporated on 13 May 2015 and issued an NZ business number of 9429041748787. This registered LTD company has been run by 1 director, named Ping Hong Lai - an active director whose contract began on 13 May 2015.
According to our database (updated on 18 Mar 2024), this company registered 1 address: 56 Tuwharetoa Street, Taupo, Taupo, 3330 (category: registered, physical).
A total of 100 shares are allocated to 2 groups (2 shareholders in total). As far as the first group is concerned, 50 shares are held by 1 entity, namely:
Lai, Ping Hong (a director) located at Taupo, Taupo postcode 3330.
The second group consists of 1 shareholder, holds 50% shares (exactly 50 shares) and includes
Liu, Chun Wei - located at Taupo, Taupo. Bylink Limited is categorised as "Clothing retailing" (ANZSIC G425115).

Financial Data

Basic Financial info

Total number of Shares: 100

Annual return filing month: November

Annual return last filed: 31 Oct 2023

Country of origin: NZ

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Shares Allocation #1 Number of Shares: 50
Director Lai, Ping Hong Taupo
New Zealand
Shares Allocation #2 Number of Shares: 50
Individual Liu, Chun Wei Taupo
New Zealand

Ping Hong Lai - Director

Appointment date: 13 May 2015

Address: Taupo, Taupo, 3330 New Zealand

Address used since 13 May 2015

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