
Globe Properties Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
Company Number
Company Status
Current address
14a Burwood Crescent
Remuera New Zealand
Service & physical address used since 01 Jul 1997
14a Burwood Crescent
Auckland 1050
New Zealand
Registered address used since 05 Jun 2007

Globe Properties Limited, a registered company, was incorporated on 20 Dec 1966. 9429040632186 is the number it was issued. This company has been managed by 2 directors: Patricia Marie Glynn - an active director whose contract started on 20 Dec 1966,
Selwyn John Glynn - an active director whose contract started on 20 Dec 1966.
Last updated on 03 Mar 2024, our database contains detailed information about 1 address: 14A Burwood Crescent, Remuera, Auckland, 1050 (category: registered, physical).
Globe Properties Limited had been using 3/O S J Glynn, 14A Burwood Crescent, Remuera as their registered address up until 30 Jun 1994.
A total of 4000 shares are allocated to 6 shareholders (6 groups). The first group includes 1000 shares (25 per cent) held by 1 entity. Next we have the second group which consists of 1 shareholder in control of 1000 shares (25 per cent). Finally we have the next share allocation (500 shares 12.5 per cent) made up of 1 entity.


Previous addresses

Address #1: 3/o S J Glynn, 14a Burwood Crescent, Remuera

Registered address used from 30 Jun 1994 to 30 Jun 1994

Address #2: C/o S J Glynn, 59 East Tamaki Rd, Hunters Cnr, Papatoetoe

Registered address used from 30 Jun 1994 to 05 Jun 2007

Address #3: C/-3s J Glynn, 14a Burwood Crescent, Remuera

Registered address used from 30 Jun 1994 to 30 Jun 1994

Financial Data

Basic Financial info

Total number of Shares: 4000

Annual return filing month: June

Annual return last filed: 11 Jul 2018

Country of origin: NZ

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Shares Allocation #1 Number of Shares: 1000
Individual Glynn, Selwyn John Remuera
Auckland 1005
Shares Allocation #2 Number of Shares: 1000
Individual Glynn, Patricia Marie Remuera
Auckland 1005
Shares Allocation #3 Number of Shares: 500
Individual Glynn, Mark Selwyn Remuera
Shares Allocation #4 Number of Shares: 500
Individual Glynn, Simon Gerard John Orakei
New Zealand
Shares Allocation #5 Number of Shares: 500
Individual Glynn, Denise Jane One Tree Hill, Auckland .
New Zealand
Shares Allocation #6 Number of Shares: 500
Individual Glynn, Robyn Patricia Marie Freemans Bay
New Zealand

Patricia Marie Glynn - Director

Appointment date: 20 Dec 1966

Address: Remuera, Auckland 1005, 1050 New Zealand

Address used since 20 Dec 1966

Selwyn John Glynn - Director

Appointment date: 20 Dec 1966

Address: Remuera, Auckland 1005, 1050 New Zealand

Address used since 20 Dec 1966

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