
J & J Trading Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
Company Number
Company Status
Current address
37a Jutland Road
Auckland 0622
New Zealand
Registered & physical address used since 20 Oct 2014

J & J Trading Limited, a registered company, was registered on 09 Dec 1998. 9429037706524 is the New Zealand Business Number it was issued. The company has been managed by 3 directors: Janet Elizabeth Moen - an active director whose contract started on 09 Dec 1998,
Verna Bigwood - an inactive director whose contract started on 22 Jan 2008 and was terminated on 01 Jul 2009,
John Charles Moen - an inactive director whose contract started on 09 Dec 1998 and was terminated on 22 Jan 2008.
Updated on 17 Apr 2022, our database contains detailed information about 1 address: 37A Jutland Road, Hauraki, Auckland, 0622 (types include: registered, physical).
J & J Trading Limited had been using N/A as their registered address up until 20 Oct 2014.
A total of 100 shares are allocated to 2 shareholders (2 groups). The first group is comprised of 1 share (1%) held by 1 entity. Next we have the second group which consists of 1 shareholder in control of 99 shares (99%).


Principal place of activity

37a Jutland Road, Hauraki, Auckland, 0622 New Zealand

Previous addresses

Address: N/a New Zealand

Registered address used from 23 May 2001 to 20 Oct 2014

Address: 37a Jutland Road, Takapuna

Registered address used from 23 May 2001 to 23 May 2001

Address: 37a Jutland Road, Takapuna

Registered address used from 12 Apr 2000 to 23 May 2001

Address: 37a Jutland Road, Takapuna New Zealand

Physical address used from 10 Dec 1998 to 20 Oct 2014

Contact info
No website
Financial Data

Basic Financial info

Total number of Shares: 100

Annual return filing month: February

Annual return last filed: 10 Feb 2022

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Shares Allocation #1 Number of Shares: 1
Individual Janet Elizabeth Moen Takapuna
Shares Allocation #2 Number of Shares: 99
Individual Janet Moen Takapuna

Previous Shareholders

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Individual John Moen Takapuna
Individual John Charles Moen Takapuna
Individual Verna Bigwood Browns Bay
Individual Verna Bigwood Browns Bay
Individual Verna Bigwood Airport Rd, Sector E2, Plot C3
Abu Dhabi, U.a.e

Janet Elizabeth Moen - Director

Appointment date: 09 Dec 1998

Address: Hauraki, Auckland, 0622 New Zealand

Address used since 10 Feb 2022

Address: Takapuna, Auckland, 0622 New Zealand

Address used since 03 Feb 2016

Verna Bigwood - Director (Inactive)

Appointment date: 22 Jan 2008

Termination date: 01 Jul 2009

Address: Airport Rd, Sector E2, Plot C3, Abu Dhabi, U.a.e,

Address used since 01 Nov 2008

John Charles Moen - Director (Inactive)

Appointment date: 09 Dec 1998

Termination date: 22 Jan 2008

Address: Takapuna,

Address used since 09 Dec 1998

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