
G.i Design Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
Company Number
Company Status
Industry classification code
Boat Building Or Repair (all Vessels Under 50 Tonnes Displacement)
Industry classification description
Current address
1120 Scenic Drive North
Auckland 0816
New Zealand
Registered & physical & service address used since 20 May 2003

G.i Design Limited, a registered company, was registered on 20 May 2003. 9429035986799 is the New Zealand Business Number it was issued. "Boat building or repair (all vessels under 50 tonnes displacement)" (ANZSIC C239210) is how the company was classified. This company has been managed by 2 directors: Grant Stuart Barker - an active director whose contract started on 20 May 2003,
Izumi Barker - an inactive director whose contract started on 20 May 2003 and was terminated on 01 Apr 2010.
Updated on 28 Mar 2024, BizDb's data contains detailed information about 2 addresses the company uses, specifically: 1120 Scenic Drive, Swanson, Waitakere, 0614 (office address),
1120 Scenic Drive North, Swanson, Auckland, 0816 (registered address),
1120 Scenic Drive North, Swanson, Auckland, 0816 (physical address),
1120 Scenic Drive North, Swanson, Auckland, 0816 (service address) among others.
A total of 100 shares are allotted to 2 shareholders (2 groups). The first group includes 75 shares (75%) held by 1 entity. Next we have the second group which consists of 1 shareholder in control of 25 shares (25%).


Principal place of activity

1120 Scenic Drive, Swanson, Waitakere, 0614 New Zealand

Contact info
64 21 2701767
17 May 2018 Phone
17 May 2018 Email
Financial Data

Basic Financial info

Total number of Shares: 100

Annual return filing month: May

Financial report filing month: March

Annual return last filed: 30 May 2023

Country of origin: NZ

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Shares Allocation #1 Number of Shares: 75
Individual Barker, Grant Stuart Swanson
New Zealand
Shares Allocation #2 Number of Shares: 25
Individual Gaida, Stephanie Florence Swanson
New Zealand

Previous Shareholders

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Individual Barker, Izumi Swanson

Grant Stuart Barker - Director

Appointment date: 20 May 2003

Address: Swanson, Auckland, 0614 New Zealand

Address used since 20 May 2003

Izumi Barker - Director (Inactive)

Appointment date: 20 May 2003

Termination date: 01 Apr 2010

Address: Swanson, Auckland, 0614 New Zealand

Address used since 20 May 2003

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