
Function Staff Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
Company Number
Company Status
No Abn Number
Australian Business Number
Industry classification code
Temporary Labour - Non-office Work - Including Up To 30% Office Work
Industry classification description
Current address
5 Ripon Crescent
Auckland 1072
New Zealand
Postal & office & delivery address used since 19 Jul 2019
321 St Heliers Bay Road
St Heliers
Auckland 1071
New Zealand
Physical & service & registered address used since 09 Aug 2021

Function Staff Limited, a registered company, was registered on 10 May 2007. 9429033418988 is the New Zealand Business Number it was issued. "Temporary labour - non-office work - including up to 30% office work" (ANZSIC N721250) is how the company was categorised. This company has been supervised by 1 director, named Troy Huston - an active director whose contract began on 10 May 2007.
Updated on 16 Jun 2024, BizDb's database contains detailed information about 1 address: 321 St Heliers Bay Road, St Heliers, Auckland, 1071 (category: physical, service).
Function Staff Limited had been using 5 Ripon Crescent, Meadowbank, Auckland as their physical address until 09 Aug 2021.
One entity owns all company shares (exactly 200 shares) - Huston, Troy - located at 1071, St Heliers, Auckland.


Principal place of activity

5 Ripon Crescent, Meadowbank, Auckland, 1072 New Zealand

Previous addresses

Address #1: 5 Ripon Crescent, Meadowbank, Auckland, 1072 New Zealand

Physical & registered address used from 23 Jul 2018 to 09 Aug 2021

Address #2: 139 Great South Road, Greenlane, Auckland, 1051 New Zealand

Registered & physical address used from 24 Jul 2015 to 23 Jul 2018

Address #3: 25 Quail Drive, Albany, Auckland New Zealand

Registered & physical address used from 05 Sep 2007 to 24 Jul 2015

Address #4: 1/19 Sunnyvale Rd, Greenlane, Auckland

Physical & registered address used from 10 May 2007 to 05 Sep 2007

Contact info
19 Jul 2019 nzbn-reserved-invoice-email-address-purpose
19 Jul 2019 Website
Financial Data

Basic Financial info

Total number of Shares: 200

Annual return filing month: July

Annual return last filed: 21 Sep 2023

Country of origin: NZ

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Shares Allocation Number of Shares: 200
Individual Huston, Troy St Heliers
New Zealand

Previous Shareholders

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Entity Ldcc Holding Company Limited
Shareholder NZBN: 9429047273351
Company Number: 7256056
New Zealand
Individual Huston, Andrea Bernadette Remuera

New Zealand
Individual Huston, Troy Meadowbank
New Zealand
Individual Huston, Chantelle Meadowbank
New Zealand
Individual Jack, Irene Greenlane
Individual Huston, Bill Remuera

New Zealand

Troy Huston - Director

Appointment date: 10 May 2007

Address: St Heliers, Auckland, 1071 New Zealand

Address used since 31 Jul 2021

Address: Meadowbank, Auckland, 1072 New Zealand

Address used since 16 Jul 2015

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