
Lincoln Butler Trustee Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
Company Number
Company Status
Current address
26 Thatcher Crescent
Crofton Downs
Wellington 6035
New Zealand
Registered & physical address used since 02 Sep 2009

Lincoln Butler Trustee Limited, a registered company, was started on 02 Sep 2009. 9429031960632 is the NZ business identifier it was issued. This company has been managed by 1 director, named Lincoln Aaron Butler - an active director whose contract started on 02 Sep 2009.
Updated on 14 Jun 2022, our database contains detailed information about 1 address: 26 Thatcher Crescent, Crofton Downs, Wellington, 6035 (types include: registered, physical).
One entity owns all company shares (exactly 1000 shares) - Lincoln Butler - located at 6035, Crofton Downs, Wellington 6035.


Principal place of activity

26 Thatcher Crescent, Crofton Downs, Wellington, 6035 New Zealand

Contact info
No website
Financial Data

Basic Financial info

Total number of Shares: 1000

Annual return filing month: September

Annual return last filed: 07 Sep 2021

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Shares Allocation Number of Shares: 1000
Individual Lincoln Aaron Butler Crofton Downs
Wellington 6035

New Zealand

Lincoln Aaron Butler - Director

Appointment date: 02 Sep 2009

Address: Crofton Downs, Wellington 6035, 6035 New Zealand

Address used since 04 Sep 2015

Address: Crofton Downs, Wellington, 6035 New Zealand

Address used since 02 Sep 2018

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