
Lovisa New Zealand Pty Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
Company Number
Company Status
Industry classification code
Jewellery Retailing - Except Direct Selling
Industry classification description
Current address
Shop 658, Westfield St Lukes
80 St Lukesrd, St Lukes
Auckland 1346
New Zealand
Registered & physical address used since 21 Aug 2012

Lovisa New Zealand Pty Limited, a registered company, was incorporated on 05 Mar 2010. 9429031639507 is the New Zealand Business Number it was issued. "Jewellery retailing - except direct selling" (business classification G425310) is how the company is classified. This company has been run by 5 directors: Christopher John Lauder - an active director whose contract began on 20 Apr 2018,
Victor Herrero Amigo - an active director whose contract began on 07 Dec 2021,
Shane Roland Fallscheer - an inactive director whose contract began on 05 Mar 2010 and was terminated on 07 Dec 2021,
Steven Jeffery Doyle - an inactive director whose contract began on 14 Jul 2016 and was terminated on 20 Apr 2018,
Brett Blundy - an inactive director whose contract began on 05 Mar 2010 and was terminated on 15 Apr 2010.
Last updated on 30 Apr 2022, our data contains detailed information about 1 address: Shop 658, Westfield St Lukes, 80 St Lukesrd, St Lukes, Auckland, 1346 (type: registered, physical).
Lovisa New Zealand Pty Limited had been using Shop Number 658, 80 St Luke's Road, St Luke's, Auckland as their registered address up to 21 Aug 2012.
A single entity owns all company shares (exactly 100 shares) - Lovisa International - located at 1346, Singapore.


Principal place of activity

Level 1, 818-820 Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn, Vic, 3122 Australia

Previous addresses

Address: Shop Number 658, 80 St Luke's Road, St Luke's, Auckland, NZ 1346 New Zealand

Registered & physical address used from 13 May 2011 to 21 Aug 2012

Address: C/-quigg Partners, Level 7, 28 Brandon Street, Wellington 6140 New Zealand

Physical & registered address used from 05 Mar 2010 to 13 May 2011

Contact info
61 3 98311800
Financial Data

Basic Financial info

Total number of Shares: 100

Annual return filing month: November

Financial report filing month: June

Annual return last filed: 30 Nov 2021

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Shares Allocation Number of Shares: 100
Other Lovisa International Singapore

Previous Shareholders

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Other Lovisa Pty Limited
Company Number: 120675890
Other Lovisa Pty Limited
Company Number: 120675890

Ultimate Holding Company

31 Oct 2017
Effective Date
Lovisa Holdings Limited
Public Company
Ultimate Holding Company Number
Country of origin

Christopher John Lauder - Director

Appointment date: 20 Apr 2018

ASIC Name: Lovisa Pty Limited

Address: 818 Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn, Victoria, 3122 Australia

Address: Doncaster, Victoria, 3108 Australia

Address used since 21 Sep 2018

Victor Herrero Amigo - Director

Appointment date: 07 Dec 2021

Address: Hilltops, 229809 Singapore

Address used since 07 Dec 2021

Shane Roland Fallscheer - Director (Inactive)

Appointment date: 05 Mar 2010

Termination date: 07 Dec 2021

ASIC Name: Lovisa Pty Limited

Address: Hawthorn, Vic, 3122 Australia

Address: Hawthorn East, Vic, 3123 Australia

Address: Hawthorn East, Vic, 3123 Australia

Address: Camberwell, Vic, 3124 Australia

Address used since 01 Nov 2012

Address: Hawthorn, Vic, 3122 Australia

Address used since 16 Dec 2017

Steven Jeffery Doyle - Director (Inactive)

Appointment date: 14 Jul 2016

Termination date: 20 Apr 2018

ASIC Name: Lovisa Pty Limited

Address: Hawthorn, 3122 Australia

Address: 12 Albert Street, Hawthorn East, 3123 Australia

Address used since 14 Jul 2016

Address: Hawthorn East, 3123 Australia

Address: Hawthorn East, 3123 Australia

Brett Blundy - Director (Inactive)

Appointment date: 05 Mar 2010

Termination date: 15 Apr 2010

Address: Sydney, Nsw 2000, Australia,

Address used since 05 Mar 2010

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