
Fz-survey Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
Company Number
Company Status
Industry classification code
Land Surveying Service
Industry classification description
Current address
209a Forrest Hill Road
Forrest Hill
Auckland 0620
New Zealand
Physical & registered & service address used since 24 Oct 2019
10 Hooten Place
Rosedale 0632
New Zealand
Registered & service address used since 22 Jun 2023

Fz-Survey Limited, a registered company, was incorporated on 21 Mar 2013. 9429030299559 is the New Zealand Business Number it was issued. "Land surveying service" (ANZSIC M692240) is how the company was classified. This company has been run by 1 director, named Fan Zhang - an active director whose contract started on 21 Mar 2013.
Updated on 09 Jun 2024, BizDb's data contains detailed information about 1 address: 10 Hooten Place, Oteha, Rosedale, 0632 (category: registered, service).
Fz-Survey Limited had been using 4 Seaview Road, Glenfield, Auckland as their physical address up to 24 Oct 2019.
A single entity owns all company shares (exactly 100 shares) - Zhang, Fan - located at 0632, Oteha, Auckland.


Previous addresses

Address #1: 4 Seaview Road, Glenfield, Auckland, 0629 New Zealand

Physical & registered address used from 10 Aug 2016 to 24 Oct 2019

Address #2: 11 Main Highway, Ellerslie, Auckland, 1051 New Zealand

Physical & registered address used from 21 Mar 2013 to 10 Aug 2016

Contact info
64 21 02556672
12 Oct 2018 Phone
08 Nov 2021 Email
No website
Financial Data

Basic Financial info

Total number of Shares: 100

Annual return filing month: September

Annual return last filed: 26 Sep 2023

Country of origin: NZ

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Shares Allocation Number of Shares: 100
Director Zhang, Fan Oteha
New Zealand

Fan Zhang - Director

Appointment date: 21 Mar 2013

Address: Oteha, Auckland, 0632 New Zealand

Address used since 14 Jun 2023

Address: Forrest Hill, Auckland, 0620 New Zealand

Address used since 16 Oct 2019

Address: Ellerslie, Auckland, 1051 New Zealand

Address used since 21 Mar 2013

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