
Spring River Holdings Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
Company Number
Company Status
Industry classification code
Dairy Cattle Farming
Industry classification description
Current address
54 Cass Street
Ashburton 7700
New Zealand
Physical & registered & service address used since 20 Mar 2017

Spring River Holdings Limited was incorporated on 10 Apr 2013 and issued an NZ business identifier of 9429030288072. This registered LTD company has been supervised by 2 directors: Philip Allan Lowe - an active director whose contract began on 10 Apr 2013,
Donna Maree Lowe - an active director whose contract began on 10 Apr 2013.
According to our data (updated on 11 Jun 2024), the company uses 1 address: 54 Cass Street, Ashburton, 7700 (category: physical, registered).
Up to 20 Mar 2017, Spring River Holdings Limited had been using 100 Burnett Street, Ashburton as their registered address.
BizDb identified more names for the company: from 27 Mar 2013 to 27 Apr 2018 they were named Claxby Dairies Limited.
A total of 1000 shares are allotted to 3 groups (5 shareholders in total). As far as the first group is concerned, 490 shares are held by 3 entities, namely:
L S Trustees (No. 40) Limited (an entity) located at Ashburton, Ashburton postcode 7700,
Lowe, Donna Maree (a director) located at R D 6, Ashburton postcode 7776,
Lowe, Philip Allan (a director) located at R D 6, Ashburton postcode 7776.
Then there is a group that consists of 1 shareholder, holds 1% shares (exactly 10 shares) and includes
Lowe, Donna Maree - located at R D 6, Ashburton.
The next share allocation (10 shares, 1%) belongs to 1 entity, namely:
Lowe, Philip Allan, located at R D 6, Ashburton (a director). Spring River Holdings Limited is classified as "Dairy cattle farming" (ANZSIC A016010).


Previous address

Address: 100 Burnett Street, Ashburton, 7700 New Zealand

Registered & physical address used from 10 Apr 2013 to 20 Mar 2017

Financial Data

Basic Financial info

Total number of Shares: 1000

Annual return filing month: August

Annual return last filed: 13 Aug 2023

Country of origin: NZ

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Shares Allocation #1 Number of Shares: 490
Entity (NZ Limited Company) L S Trustees (no. 40) Limited
Shareholder NZBN: 9429047837942
New Zealand
Director Lowe, Donna Maree R D 6
New Zealand
Director Lowe, Philip Allan R D 6
New Zealand
Shares Allocation #2 Number of Shares: 10
Director Lowe, Donna Maree R D 6
New Zealand
Shares Allocation #3 Number of Shares: 10
Director Lowe, Philip Allan R D 6
New Zealand

Previous Shareholders

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Individual Argyle, Alister David Ashburton
New Zealand

Philip Allan Lowe - Director

Appointment date: 10 Apr 2013

Address: R D 6, Ashburton, 7776 New Zealand

Address used since 10 Apr 2013

Donna Maree Lowe - Director

Appointment date: 10 Apr 2013

Address: R D 6, Ashburton, 7776 New Zealand

Address used since 10 Apr 2013

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