
P & H Corp Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
Company Number
Company Status
Current address
Unit A, 218 Marua Rd
Mt Wellington
Auckland 1051
New Zealand
Physical & registered & service address used since 14 May 2013

P & H Corp Limited was incorporated on 14 May 2013 and issued a New Zealand Business Number of 9429030235519. The registered LTD company has been run by 2 directors: Wayne Houlton Hastie - an active director whose contract began on 14 May 2013,
Robert Bryce Pegler - an active director whose contract began on 14 May 2013.
According to our data (last updated on 30 Mar 2024), the company registered 1 address: Unit A, 218 Marua Rd, Mt Wellington, Auckland, 1051 (types include: physical, registered).
A total of 100 shares are allocated to 2 groups (5 shareholders in total). When considering the first group, 50 shares are held by 3 entities, namely:
Hastie Trustee Company Limited (an entity) located at Grafton, Auckland postcode 1010,
Rankin, Robyn Anne (an individual) located at Mount Eden, Auckland postcode 1024,
Hastie, Wayne Houlton (an individual) located at Mount Eden, Auckland postcode 1024.
The second group consists of 2 shareholders, holds 50 per cent shares (exactly 50 shares) and includes
Hastie, Wayne Houlton - located at Mount Eden, Auckland,
Pegler, Robert Bryce - located at Mount Eden, Auckland.

Financial Data

Basic Financial info

Total number of Shares: 100

Annual return filing month: August

Annual return last filed: 22 Aug 2023

Country of origin: NZ

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Shares Allocation #1 Number of Shares: 50
Entity (NZ Limited Company) Hastie Trustee Company Limited
Shareholder NZBN: 9429030223691
New Zealand
Individual Rankin, Robyn Anne Mount Eden
New Zealand
Individual Hastie, Wayne Houlton Mount Eden
New Zealand
Shares Allocation #2 Number of Shares: 50
Individual Hastie, Wayne Houlton Mount Eden
New Zealand
Individual Pegler, Robert Bryce Mount Eden
New Zealand

Wayne Houlton Hastie - Director

Appointment date: 14 May 2013

Address: Mount Eden, Auckland, 1024 New Zealand

Address used since 14 May 2013

Robert Bryce Pegler - Director

Appointment date: 14 May 2013

Address: Mount Eden, Auckland, 1024 New Zealand

Address used since 14 May 2013