
Sir Peter Blake Trust

Type: Charitable Trust (T)
Company Number
Company Status
Current address
2nd Floor, Auckland 2000 Building Viaduct Harbour Cnr Quay & Hobsons Streets Auckland 1140
Auckland 1140
New Zealand
Registered address used since 01 Sep 2016

Sir Peter Blake Trust, a registered company, was registered on 17 Dec 2003. 9429043107186 is the NZ business number it was issued.
Updated on 29 Apr 2024, the BizDb database contains detailed information about 3 addresses this company uses, namely: Po Box 106 955, Auckland City, Auckland 1143 (postal address),
2Nd Floor, Auckland 2000 Building, Viaduct Harbour, Cnr Quay & Hobsons Streets, Auckland 1140 (registered address),
2Nd Floor, Auckland 2000 Building Viaduct Harbour Cnr Quay & Hobsons Streets Auckland 1140, Auckland, 1140 (registered address).
More names for this company, as we managed to find at BizDb, included: from 17 Dec 2003 to 15 Sep 2004 they were called Sir Peter Blake Memorial Trust.

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