
Lowry Bay Ratepayers And Residents Association Incorporated

Type: Incorporated Society (I)
Company Number
Company Status
Current address
23 Dillon Street
Lowry Bay
Lower Hutt 5013
New Zealand
Registered address used since 22 Nov 2018

Lowry Bay Ratepayers and Residents Association Incorporated, a registered company, was registered on 06 Jul 1955. 9429042679714 is the number it was issued. The company has been run by 1 director, named Dianna Julie Dalzell - an active officer whose contract began on 21 Feb 2020.
Updated on 20 Jun 2023, BizDb's database contains detailed information about 5 addresses this company uses, namely: 23 Dillon Street, Lowry Bay, Lower Hutt, 5013 (postal address),
C/O Dianna Dalzell, 23 Dillon Street, Lowry Bay, Lower Hutt 5013 (registered address),
33 Cheviot Road, Lowry Bay, Lower Hutt, 5013 (postal address),
C/O David Miller, 10 Cheviot Road, Lowry Bay, Lower Hutt 5013 (registered address) among others.
Past names for this company, as we identified at BizDb, included: from 06 Jul 1955 to 15 Feb 2021 they were named Lowry Bay Association Incorporated.


Other active addresses


Dianna Julie Dalzell - officer

Appointment date: 21 Feb 2020

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