
Cardiology Consulting Limited

Type: NZ Limited Company (Ltd)
Company Number
Company Status
Current address
4 Kinsale Avenue
Glendowie New Zealand
Service & physical address used since 10 Nov 1997
4 Kinsale Avenue
Glendowie New Zealand
Registered address used since 13 Apr 2000

Cardiology Consulting Limited was registered on 05 Nov 1997 and issued an NZBN of 9429037982966. This registered LTD company has been managed by 2 directors: Christopher John Ellis - an active director whose contract began on 05 Nov 1997,
Helena Frances Mary Ellis - an active director whose contract began on 05 Nov 1997.
As stated in BizDb's information (updated on 18 Apr 2024), the company filed 1 address: 4 Kinsale Avenue, Glendowie (type: registered, physical).
Up until 13 Apr 2000, Cardiology Consulting Limited had been using 4 Kinsale Avenue, Glendowie as their registered address.
A total of 1000 shares are issued to 3 groups (5 shareholders in total). In the first group, 25 shares are held by 1 entity, namely:
Ellis, Helena Frances Mary (an individual) located at Glendowie, Auckland.
The 2nd group consists of 3 shareholders, holds 90% shares (exactly 900 shares) and includes
Ellis, Christopher John - located at Glendowie, Auckland,
Sellar Bone Trustees (2013) Limited - located at Epsom, Auckland,
Ellis, Helena Frances Mary - located at Glendowie, Auckland.
The next share allotment (75 shares, 7.5%) belongs to 1 entity, namely:
Ellis, Christopher John, located at Glendowie, Auckland (an individual).


Previous address

Address #1: 4 Kinsale Avenue, Glendowie

Registered address used from 12 Apr 2000 to 13 Apr 2000

Financial Data

Basic Financial info

Total number of Shares: 1000

Annual return filing month: March

Annual return last filed: 11 Mar 2024

Country of origin: NZ

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Shares Allocation #1 Number of Shares: 25
Individual Ellis, Helena Frances Mary Glendowie
Shares Allocation #2 Number of Shares: 900
Individual Ellis, Christopher John Glendowie
Entity (NZ Limited Company) Sellar Bone Trustees (2013) Limited
Shareholder NZBN: 9429030274280
New Zealand
Individual Ellis, Helena Frances Mary Glendowie
Shares Allocation #3 Number of Shares: 75
Individual Ellis, Christopher John Glendowie

Previous Shareholders

Shareholder Type Shareholder Name Address
Entity Spicer & Oppenheim Trustee Company Limited
Shareholder NZBN: 9429039679956
Company Number: 322176
Entity Kdb Trust Company Limited
Shareholder NZBN: 9429037372125
Company Number: 1013917
Entity Spicer & Oppenheim Trustee Company Limited
Shareholder NZBN: 9429039679956
Company Number: 322176
Entity Kdb Trust Company Limited
Shareholder NZBN: 9429037372125
Company Number: 1013917

Christopher John Ellis - Director

Appointment date: 05 Nov 1997

Address: Glendowie, Auckland, 1071 New Zealand

Address used since 05 Nov 1997

Helena Frances Mary Ellis - Director

Appointment date: 05 Nov 1997

Address: Glendowie, Auckland, 1071 New Zealand

Address used since 05 Nov 1997

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